Posted By Administration, Thursday, July 11, 2019
This month we are happy to announce that DRMA, as the leader of this regions’ sector partnership, was awarded an apprenticeship grant by the Department of Labor. DRMA, in partnership with Sinclair Community College and Clark State Community College, will receive $500,000 over the course of four years to implement and expand industry-recognized apprenticeship programs in the Dayton Region.
The Ohio Manufacturing Workforce Partnership has been awarded an apprenticeship grant of $12 million from the U.S. Department of Labor. The purpose of the grant is to implement and expand industry-recognized apprenticeship programs statewide and nationally. The OMWP is led by the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association and Ohio TechNet, a consortium of community colleges across the state, and includes 12 regional sector partnerships that represent manufacturing businesses throughout the state, 26 institutions of higher education, and 7 state agencies.
The Dayton Region Manufacturers Association (DRMA) is the leader of this regions’ sector partnership, called the Dayton Region Manufacturing Workforce Partnership (DRMWP). As so, DRMA is also the leader on the Dayton Region’s portion of the grant along with partners Clark State and Sinclair community colleges. The Dayton Region’s portion of the grant is $500,000 over the four years of the grant.
The grant will allow Clark State and Sinclair to produce 365 credentialed workers over the four-year grant period. Credentials offered will include CPT and NIMS. This additional funding will allow DRMA to continue its work in educating manufacturer members on the value of industry recognized credentials and drawing people into the manufacturing workforce pipeline. To learn more about the grant or DRMA’s efforts around industry recognized credentials, contact Kayla.