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Posted By Don Clouser, Chairman of the Board, Friday, May 17, 2019

The DRMA gives its members both direct and indirect support. One of the biggest efforts in the indirect support category comes from our Government Relations Committee (GRC). This committee does a great job in its mission and is constantly striving to do more. 

Our Association is not structured to be a lobbying group. Therefore, the impact of the GRC is more indirect. They are very effective in building relationships with government officials so that they understand the needs of our members. This is often done at Meet Ups, to which members are invited. Last year, our members spoke directly with Congressmen Jim Jordan and Warren Davidson, State Representatives Niraj Antani and Rick Perales, as well as then candidates Governor Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted, and we provided them our Top Issues list.

In October, the GRC made arrangements for State Representatives Niraj Antani and Phil Plummer, Congressmen Mike Turner and Warren Davidson, and Senator Rob Portman’s staffer Sam Bain to witness our career awareness activities on National Manufacturing Day. Their participation helped them understand our need for workforce replenishment and to see our efforts in creating awareness of our industry and its huge impact on the future growth of Ohio.

I like to think that the momentum the DRMA has created over the past years has helped efforts and funding at the state level to do something about our workforce needs. The education system is mandated to create awareness of career paths, not just a college path. It has taken awhile but progress is being made.

I believe you can see how these efforts have had a positive indirect effect on the industry as a whole, and a direct effect on your individual companies. So, a big thanks goes to our GRC and the advocacy work they do on our behalf.

The GRC communicates what is going on in a variety of ways including on our website, in our weekly emails, in our monthly newsletter, and on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter). If you have the opportunity to talk with a government official, call the DRMA office and staff will provide you some talking points. Or, if you have a passion for government relations, reach out to the office and find out when and where the next GRC meeting is scheduled.


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