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Seeking Manufacturers to Host Teacher Externships


A number of high school and college teachers in our region are looking for a summer “externship” placement, and DRMA has been asked to help find them in manufacturing companies, large and small. Why should you do this? 1) To get our career messaging in front of students and 2) to ensure teachers are teaching the skills we need.

It’s a relatively light lift:

  • The externship is typically for 2 or 3 days during summer months for 1 – 3 teachers working as a team

  • The purpose is to gain a basic understanding of the business, job roles and needs, so that the teacher(s) can develop lesson plans and hands-on projects

  • Your responsibilities: Provide a tour and overview of your business, including organizational structure, management philosophy, and personnel policies; collaborate with teachers to identify skills and content areas required within different jobs; conclude with a debrief meeting with the teacher(s)

Here are details on the latest request:

The Ohio STEM Learning Network is seeking businesses to host 2 or 3 local K-12 educators onsite for 2 days between 6/20 and 7/31 for our Manufacturing and Engineering Externship Program (MEEP). Under the program, 50 Ohio educators will learn about problem-based learning, complete an externship in a local STEM industry, and create a new lesson for their classroom.

Sign up your business or recommend a site:

By signing up, you are not making a commitment to host just yet—it is just a way to learn more about the program.


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