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Posted By Don Clouser, Chairman of the Board, Wednesday, January 23, 2019


First let me say thank you for having the faith that all of the great things done by DRMA cannot be screwed up in one year. And therefore, thank you for the privilege of being the Association’s chairman for 2019. Actually the board, staff, and volunteers have set us up for our Association and industry to have a great year.

Happy New Year everyone! December involves a lot of time reviewing and reminiscing the previous year. Also many of you spent the last quarter planning and budgeting for this year. Now is the time for action, and 2019 promises to be a year worthy of action. DRMA will continue its many great activities that you read about each month in the newsletter and News Bits emails. But I am most excited about the momentum that we are gaining in workforce development. The number one issue for our industry has been, is, and will be for the near future increasing the skilled workforce. Over the years DRMA has put a lot of effort into school collaborations, Power Lunches, college programs, and of course, Manufacturing Day. Recently, the government has finally started listening and now everyone is scrambling to provide additional solutions. DRMA is taking advantage of this in a few ways.

The Fundraising Committee is pursuing private philanthropic donations to help us fund our current projects, possible new projects or efforts by others that have a positive impact on our industry’s need for skilled workers. In our business worlds we all believe anything can be done if someone is willing to pay for it. So we need the funds to make things happen, and in today’s climate donors are willing to listen. These donors support the economic impact we will have by growing the workforce pipeline. If you would like to help through donations, time or making connections with us and foundations or private donors, please give the office a call.

The other path is through public funds. As mentioned before, we have formed a state-recognized sector partnership. The Dayton Region Manufacturing Workforce Partnership will be the group recognized when there is government funding to be shared. Or if we have an idea that needs funding, the sector partnership will be the one that interacts with the government agencies. If your company would like to get more involved with this effort, please call the office.

Through fundraising and networking, DRMA will either be the provider of workforce efforts or the clearing house for other organizations’ efforts. Whether it is time, money, people or programs, DRMA will connect the dots so that there is an effective effort to solve our workforce needs. Please be a part in whatever way you can. My first article may not be overly thought provoking but as I have explained, the thoughts have been made. The effort is started. The momentum is building. And now is the time for action.



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