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New Year, New Changes!

Posted By Jon Foley, Chairman of the Board, Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Happy New Year, DRMA followers. I am honored to follow in the footsteps of many well-respected leaders in manufacturing as your 2020 chairman. Thank you for trusting in me to help us continue to grow and be “THE VOICE OF MANUFACTURING.”

A New Year often comes with new things. A lot of new things come with change. Since you are reading this, you have already noticed the change in format of the News Bits weekly emails. The DRMA has many other changes coming throughout the year, so keep your eyes open.

One thing this year that will not change is the charge that the DRMA is leading to Strengthen, Educate, and Advocate for our members and the manufacturing industry. I would like to personally thank all of the volunteers and staff that make this happen. We all appreciate you. If you are not involved and would like to help make a difference in our industry, please reach out to me (or any staff member), and we will get you connected.

Cheers to a great year!


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