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Virtual Career Event Volunteer Opportunities!


Please let Kayla know if you can help with the following virtual career events:

May 7, 11-11:30 a.m. – Ohio Virtual Academy

May 10, multiple class periods (can be split into shifts) – Bethel High School – they have specifically requested companies that work in engineering and robotics!

8:28-9:12 (robotics) 9:16-10:00 (engineering and robotics) 10:04-10:48 (engineering) 11:26-12:10 (engineering) 12:14-12:58 (design & modeling) 1:02-1:46 (engineering) 1:50-2:30 (engineering)

May 12, 1-2 p.m. – Dayton STEM School

May 19, multiple class periods (can be split into shifts) – Springboro High School

7:33-8:21 8:27-9:14 10:13-11 12:30-1:14

June 9, 10:30-11:45 a.m. - EJ Brown Middle School - IN PERSON

Never volunteered before? Not a problem! DRMA will handle any videos or presentation materials and can provide you with talking points. We can also share a recording of a previous event. Contact Kayla to volunteer or for more info.

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