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DRMA Lean Manufacturing Workshop Series 2021


Updated: Mar 1, 2021

DRMA’s Lean Manufacturing Workshop series, exclusively for DRMA members, is back for 2021! Developed in partnership with the Workforce Division of Sinclair College and FASTLANE at UDRI, these workshops are designed to teach participants how to implement Lean concepts and techniques to make systematic, lasting improvements within their operations. Learn how to foster an environment built on the idea that good is never good enough, an environment always focused on continuously improving in small steps every day. New for 2021 are three advanced topics sessions for member employees who have previously completed the basic DRMA Lean Series or for individuals with a prior knowledge and experience with Lean.

Foundation Series Course Options

  • Session 1: Lean Leadership - Understand the role and the importance of human relations and employee involvement in improving processes and products using Lean methodologies. Targeted for owners, senior leaders and managers. March 24

  • Session 2: Lean 101 Overview – Introduction to Lean concepts and techniques to positively impact safety, quality, cost and delivery. For all levels and all areas within the organization. April 11

  • Session 3: Workplace Organization – Using 5S to arrange, order, clean, standardize and sustain improvements on the shop floor. For all levels and all areas within the organization. May 26

  • Session 4: Lean Office – Understand how to effectively apply and implement Lean tools and concepts to processes throughout the entire organization. For employees from all levels and all functional areas of the organization including operations, human resources, finance & accounting, and sales & marketing. June 9

  • Session 5: Visual Workplace/Standardized Work – Understanding and implementing visual management techniques to enable communications and provide immediate feedback. For all levels and all areas within the organization. August 25

  • Session 6: Set-Up Reduction – Learn how to produce a product with the minimum material, labor, space and equipment required to add value and how to eliminate non-added value activity. Targeted to employees involved in direct production operations. October 13

  • Session 7: Error Proofing – Understand how to effectively “mistake-proof” processes and operations to minimize and eliminate errors. Also known by the Japanese term Poka-Yoke, this session on error proofing is targeted to employees involved in direct production operations. December 8

Advanced Series Course Options

  • Session 1: Value Stream & Swim Lane Mapping – Understand how to effectively apply and implement tools to map and improve the flow of materials and information within an operation or organization. August 11

  • Session 2: Performance Metrics – Learn how to measure and track key performance characteristics throughout the organization. September 15

  • Session 3: Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM) – Understand the concepts of Total Preventive Maintenance and their application to operations and processes. November 17

All sessions run from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. and will be held at the Sinclair Conference Center. Participants can attend individual or multiple sessions.

The Foundation Series courses are priced at $150 per participant, per session. The Advanced Series courses are priced at $200 per participant, per session. The cost includes parking, breakfast, and a free, on-site lean assessment provided by FASTLANE (for Manufacturer members). Click here to register or if you have any questions, contact Shay.

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