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  • DRMA

DRMA 2020 Election Results and Accomplishments

20 Manufacturer and Affiliate members submitted ballots during the voting period that culminated at the annual meeting on December 3. We thank those members who voted and encourage those who did not to participate in future elections.The results are . . .

  • Ratification of Joe Osterday (Production Control Units, Inc.), Brian Roos (Morris Bean & Company), and David Coomer (Clark Schaefer Hackett & Co.) to serve on the Board of Trustees – approved

  • 2021 budget – approved

  • By-laws changes - approved

In 2020, DRMA made significant progress in upholding our mission to strengthen member companies and to serve as the advocate for manufacturing in the Dayton Region. DRMA is recognized as the trusted voice of the industry to represent members’ needs and concerns so that they may stay focused on their business. The programs that DRMA provides members have experienced great success over the past year. These successes include:

Strengthen - DRMA strengthened our members by fostering innovation, partnerships, and connectivity while growing the industry through workforce development, economic development, and business tools, including: conducting the annual Wage & Benefit Survey; offering Legal Services, OSHA training, sales training, Workers Comp, and NAM health insurance discount programs; sending 23 business lead emails; adding a searchable member directory with capabilities to our website; standing up resources to help members deal with the COVID pandemic; offering professional development opportunities for members’ younger employees; and launching our first General Management roundtable discussion group.

Additionally, DRMA leads the Dayton Region Manufacturing Workforce Partnership (DRMWP), an OMA-endorsed sector partnership, whose purpose is to develop and execute new and enhanced initiatives that strategically align workforce efforts to ensure manufacturing competence and growth throughout the region, including: producing 8 member company tour videos, resulting in over 2,500 views and used by 53 schools; conducting 10 career awareness events with students throughout the region before COVID shut down schools in the Spring; working with schools to include industry-recognized credentials in their programs; expanding apprenticeships as a result of receiving a USDOL grant; serving on a number of advisory committees at area high schools and colleges; and collaborating with numerous organizations and schools to advocate for members’ workforce needs, locally, statewide, and nationwide.

Educate - DRMA educated our members through sharing relevant industry information, hosting events, conducting workshops, and providing avenues to share knowledge and learn from other industry professionals, including: holding 5 member events, 11 Meet Ups, 7 Lunch & Learn Webinars, and 8 DRMA 101 sessions; holding the annual economic update featuring nationally-renowned economist Brian Beaulieu; holding lean manufacturing and GD&T workshops; sending weekly News Bits emails; expanding our social media outreach to facilitate member communication; and implementing the technology for virtual attendance at events.

Advocate – DRMA advocated on behalf of our members with public officials, legislators, educators, parents, the business community, the media, and other regional stakeholders to strengthen the position of our region’s industry, including: conducting the Top Issues Survey; connecting with organizations such as the Dayton Development Coalition, the Dayton Region Israel Trade Alliance, the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association, and the National Association of Manufacturers; building relationships with office holders such as Congressman Davidson, Ohio Representatives Antani and Plummer, and Ohio Supreme Court Justice French; and serving on 19 educator advisory committees to convey skill needs of our members.

Fundraising – In addition to member dues, DRMA diligently pursued sources of revenue to help fund DRMA activities, including conducting a financially successful and fun golf outing. The Funding Committee, working with the Board, implemented a fundraising campaign to solicit charitable donations for the DRMA Foundation from businesses, individuals, and philanthropic organizations with ties to manufacturing to help fund our workforce initiatives.

Membership – Even in this tough COVID year, 10 Manufacturer, 4 Affiliate, and 8 Associate members were added in 2020; combined with an 85% Manufacturer retention rate and an overall 82% retention rate, total membership for 2020 is 340 member companies, which includes 204 Manufacturer members. More members = a stronger voice = stronger connections and more programs.

The leadership of DRMA (board, committees, and staff) is focused on increasing member value. (Click here for a detailed list of 2020 accomplishments.)

All this work would not be possible without the effort of 13 committees, sub-committees, and ad hocs with 100 dedicated volunteers. We are limited only by our volunteer horsepower. If you would like to get engaged, please let me know.

Looking forward to an exciting 2021!


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