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I'VE BEEN THINKING . . . 9/12/19


Posted By Angelia Erbaugh, DRMA, Thursday, September 12, 2019

Peer-to-peer connectivity . . . this is part of what members expect from local industry association. DRMA provides many ways for members to connect with the thriving DRMA community in order to build a network of peers who face the same challenges, opportunities, and solutions and to foster a sense of mutual support among members.

One way to connect is by meeting your peers at association-sponsored events and Meet Ups. We offer a number of formats so that you can select those that fit your style, location, and schedule:

  • Happy Hours are held at member sites throughout the region for a couple of hours after work. Hosts provide complimentary munchies and adult beverages in this casual, open house style atmosphere. Drop in, drop out as your schedule allows. No need to feel intimidated; we’ll take good care of you. You’ll love it! The next Happy Hour is on October 17 at Carillon Brewing, hosted by Rieck Services. Register here.

  • Breakfasts with DRMA are for you early birds . . . they are held from 7:30 to 9 a.m. on a topic pertinent to manufacturers. The next Breakfast event is on October 8. The topic is timely: Protecting Your Trade Secrets When Employees Leave. It’s presented by the experts at Thompson Hine, so you can be sure this will be good info!

  • Meet Ups . . . these are small group dialogue sessions organized around a topic area; they are designed to connect members with other members who are interested in that topic so that you can share and learn from each other. These have become really popular; check them out! They are FREE and for MEMBERS ONLY. More info here.

Check out these and other events on our website.

Now is NOT the time to sit back and complain, and it is NOT the time to let others do the work. DRMA needs you to stand up and be counted! Are you hosting an open house on MFG Day on October 4? Are you ready? Not participating, but want to promote MFG Day THIS year? Talk to your kids, friends, family and employees, school contacts about MFG Day and Career paths in manufacturing. Want more information? Let Kayla know.

Our new health care coverage benefit is getting closer to launch! Read the article in this month's newsletter.

Manufacturers, what’s keeping you awake at night? Let us know through the Top Issues Survey. It’s a simple 2-question survey that we’ll use to advocate on your behalf and to determine programs and services that will help you strengthen your company. You’ll receive an email with a link to the survey on Monday, October 7.

Thanks for choosing to be a member!


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